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Meet Ana

Meet Ana

Brazilian architecture student and book lover

One of my goals in analysing my readings was to talk about important topics, like feminist and consent, because literature, art and culture influence us, and I believe we should always encorage authors who talk about this topics.

Refusing Compulsory Sexuality by Sherronda J. Brown – Review

Hello sassy people! Today’s post is about Refusing Compulsory Sexuality by Sherronda J. Brown

The Cock Down the Block by Amy Award – Review

Hello sassy people! Today we’re talking about The C*ck Down the Block by Ay Award.

Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose – Review

Hello sassy people! Today I’m reviewing Catch and Cradle by Katia Rose!

Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins – Review

Today’s post is about Her Royal Highness by Rachel Hawkins!

The Irresponsible Puckboy by Eden Finley and Saxon James – Review

Today’s post is about The Irresponsible Puckboy by Eden Finley and Saxon James!

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace – Review

Hello sassy people! Today’s post is about Icebreaker by Hannah Grace!

Only One Coffin by A.J. Truman – Review

Hello sassy people! Today’s post is about Only One Coffin by A.J. Truman!

Top books of 2023!!

These are the best books I read in 2023!
It was an amazing year, full of amazing books and I hope 2024 is even better!

2023 Wrap Up

These are the stats for all the books I read in 2023!I post stats every month, but these are the ones I’m always most excited to analyze! It’s so cool to look back at the year and see how much you read, the different genres, authors, tropes, spice levels…These are all...

My Better Life by Sarah Ready and Non-Toxic Masculinity

Hello sassy people! Today we are talking about Non Toxic Masculinity.